Microsoft Azure Active Directory as KeyCloak Identity Provider

Today I did a fun POC on KeyCloak and Active Directory, and I justed wanted to share my findings. In my case KeyCloak is used by a corporate system on top, in which we want to use our AAD users for login and role assignment and so on.

The KeyCloak Server

For this POC I followed the excellent documentation on to set up my local KeyCloak Server. Once up and running go to http://localhost:8080/auth to create your admin user.

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Setup Office365 to read calendar and email metadata via Microsoft Graph API

I have recently been part of a project, Building Nomi, where I was able to work on different types of integration tasks. With Building Nomi we were analyzing everyday metadata from the calendar and email to map the cooperation within organizations.

I thought I might share some of the work here. In this post, I will walk through how to set up your Office365 to be able to access email and calendar metadata through Microsoft Graph API.


  1. Register Building Nomi Application (
  2. Assign permissions to Building Nomi Application
Continue reading “Setup Office365 to read calendar and email metadata via Microsoft Graph API”